Message signatures

Using the Protocol Kit, this guide explains how to generate and sign messages from a Safe account, including plain string messages and EIP-712 JSON messages.

Before starting, check this guide's setup.

Create the message

Messages can be plain strings or valid EIP-712 typed data structures.

// An example of a string message
const STRING_MESSAGE = "I'm the owner of this Safe account"
// An example of a typed data message
  types: {
    EIP712Domain: [
      { name: 'name', type: 'string' },
      { name: 'version', type: 'string' },
      { name: 'chainId', type: 'uint256' },
      { name: 'verifyingContract', type: 'address' }
    Person: [
      { name: 'name', type: 'string' },
      { name: 'wallets', type: 'address[]' }
    Mail: [
      { name: 'from', type: 'Person' },
      { name: 'to', type: 'Person[]' },
      { name: 'contents', type: 'string' }
  domain: {
    name: 'Ether Mail',
    version: '1',
    chainId: Number(chainId),
    verifyingContract: '0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC'
  primaryType: 'Mail',
  message: {
    from: {
      name: 'Cow',
      wallets: [
    to: [
        name: 'Bob',
        wallets: [
    contents: 'Hello, Bob!'

The createMessage method in the Protocol Kit allows for creating new messages and returns an instance of the EthSafeMessage class. Here, we are passing TYPED_MESSAGE, but STRING_MESSAGE could also be passed.

let safeMessage = protocolKit.createMessage(TYPED_MESSAGE)

The returned safeMessage object contains the message data ( and a map of owner-signature pairs (safeMessage.signatures). The structure is similar to the EthSafeTransaction class but applied for messages instead of transactions.

We use let to initialize the safeMessage variable because we will add the signatures later.

class EthSafeMessage implements SafeMessage {
  data: EIP712TypedData | string
  signatures: Map<string, SafeSignature> = new Map()
  // Other props and methods

Sign the message

Once the safeMessage object is created, we need to collect the signatures from the signers who will sign it.

Following our setup, we will sign a message with safe3_4, the main Safe account in this guide. To do that, we first need to sign the same message with its owners: owner1, owner2, safe1_1, and safe2_3.

ECDSA signatures

This applies to owner1 and owner2 accounts, as both are EOAs.

The signMessage method takes the safeMessage together with a SigningMethod and adds the new signature to the signMessage.signatures map. Depending on the type of message, the SigningMethod can take these values:

  • SigningMethod.ETH_SIGN
  • SigningMethod.ETH_SIGN_TYPED_DATA_V4
// Connect the EthAdapter from owner1
protocolKit = await protocolKit.connect({ ethAdapter: ethAdapter1 })
// Sign the safeMessage with owner1
// After this, the safeMessage contains the signature from owner1
safeMessage = await protocolKit.signMessage(
// Connect the EthAdapter from owner2
protocolKit = await protocolKit.connect({ ethAdapter: ethAdapter2 })
// Sign the safeMessage with owner2
// After this, the safeMessage contains the signature from owner1 and owner2
safeMessage = await protocolKit.signMessage(

Smart contract signatures

When signing with a Safe account, the SigningMethod will take the value SigningMethod.SAFE_SIGNATURE.

1/1 Safe account

This applies to the safe1_1 account, another owner of safe3_4.

We need to connect the Protocol Kit to safe1_1 and the owner3 account (the only owner of safe1_1) and sign the message.

// Create a new message object
let messageSafe1_1 = await createMessage(TYPED_MESSAGE)
// Connect the EthAdapter from owner3 and the address of safe1_1
protocolKit = await protocolKit.connect({
  ethAdapter: ethAdapter3,
  safeAddress: safe1_1
// Sign the messageSafe1_1 with owner3
// After this, the messageSafe1_1 contains the signature from owner3
messageSafe1_1 = await signMessage(
  safe3_4 // Parent Safe address
// Build the contract signature of safe1_1
const signatureSafe1_1 = await buildContractSignature(
// Add the signatureSafe1_1 to safeMessage
// After this, the safeMessage contains the signature from owner1, owner2 and safe1_1

When signing with a child Safe account, we need to specify the parent Safe address to generate the signature based on the version of the contract.

2/3 Safe account

This applies to the safe2_3 account, another owner of safe3_4.

We need to connect the Protocol Kit to safe2_3 and the owner4 and owner5 accounts (owners of safe2_3) and sign the message.

// Create a new message object
let messageSafe2_3 = await createMessage(TYPED_MESSAGE)
// Connect the EthAdapter from owner4 and the address of safe2_3
protocolKit = await protocolKit.connect({
  ethAdapter: ethAdapter4,
  safeAddress: safe2_3
// Sign the messageSafe2_3 with owner4
// After this, the messageSafe2_3 contains the signature from owner4
messageSafe2_3 = await protocolKit.signMessage(
  safe3_4 // Parent Safe address
// Connect the EthAdapter from owner5
protocolKit = await protocolKit.connect({ ethAdapter: ethAdapter5 })
// Sign the messageSafe2_3 with owner5
// After this, the messageSafe2_3 contains the signature from owner5
messageSafe2_3 = await protocolKit.signMessage(
  safe3_4 // Parent Safe address
// Build the contract signature of safe2_3
const signatureSafe2_3 = await buildContractSignature(
// Add the signatureSafe2_3 to safeMessage
// After this, the safeMessage contains the signature from owner1, owner2, safe1_1 and safe2_3

After following all the steps above, the safeMessage now contains all the signatures from the owners of the Safe.

Publish the signed message

As messages aren't stored in the blockchain, we must make them public and available to others by storing them elsewhere.

Safe messages can be stored on-chain and off-chain:

  • Off-chain: Messages are stored in the Safe Transaction Service. This is the default option and doesn't require any on-chain interaction.
  • On-chain: Messages are stored (opens in a new tab) in the Safe contract.

Safe supports signing EIP-191 (opens in a new tab) messages and EIP-712 (opens in a new tab) typed data messages all together with off-chain EIP-1271 (opens in a new tab) validation for signatures.

Off-chain messages

To use off-chain messages, we need to use the functionality from this guide and call the Safe Transaction Service API to store the messages and signatures.

We mentioned the utility of storing messages in the contract. Off-chain messages have the same purpose, but they're stored in the Safe Transaction Service. It stores the messages and signatures in a database. It's a centralized service, but it's open-source and can be deployed by anyone.

The Safe Transaction Service is used by Safe{Wallet} to store messages and signatures by default.

Propose the message

To store a new message, we need to call the addMessage from the API Kit, passing the Safe address, an object with the message, and a signature from one owner.

const signerAddress = (await ethAdapter1.getSignerAddress()) || '0x'
// Get the signature from owner1
const signatureOwner1 = safeMessage.getSignature(signerAddress) as EthSafeSignature
// Instantiate the API Kit
// Use the chainId where you have the Safe account deployed
const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({ chainId })
// Propose the message
apiKit.addMessage(safe3_4, {
  signature: buildSignatureBytes([signatureOwner1])

The message is now publicly available in the Safe Transaction Service with the signature of the owner who submitted it.

Confirm the message

To add the signatures from the remaining owners, we need to call the addMessageSignature, passing the safeMessageHash and a signature from the owner.

// Get the safeMessageHash
const safeMessageHash = await protocolKit.getSafeMessageHash(
// Get the signature from owner2
const signerAddress = (await ethAdapter2.getSignerAddress()) || '0x'
const signatureOwner2 = safeMessage.getSignature(signerAddress) as EthSafeSignature
// Add signature from owner2
await apiKit.addMessageSignature(
// Add signature from the owner safe1_1
await apiKit.addMessageSignature(
// Add signature from the owner safe2_3
await apiKit.addMessageSignature(

At this point, the message stored in the Safe Transaction Service contains all the required signatures from the owners of the Safe.

The getMessage method returns the status of a message.

const confirmedMessage = await apiKit.getMessage(safeMessageHash)

Safe{Wallet} (opens in a new tab) exposes to its users the list of off-chain messages signed by a Safe account.<NETWORK_PREFIX>:<SAFE_ADDRESS>

On-chain messages

Storing messages on-chain is less efficient than doing it off-chain because it requires executing a transaction to store the message hash in the contract, resulting in additional gas costs. To do this on-chain, we use the SignMessageLib contract.

// Get the contract with the correct version
const signMessageLibContract = await ethAdapter1.getSignMessageLibContract({
  safeVersion: '1.4.1'

We need to calculate the messageHash, encode the call to the signMessage function in the SignMessageLib contract and create the transaction that will store the message hash in that contract.

const messageHash = hashSafeMessage(MESSAGE)
const txData = signMessageLibContract.encode('signMessage', [messageHash])
const safeTransactionData: SafeTransactionDataPartial = {
  to: signMessageLibContract.address,
  value: '0',
  data: txData,
  operation: OperationType.DelegateCall,
const signMessageTx = await protocolKit.createTransaction({
  transactions: [safeTransactionData]

Once the transaction object is instantiated, the owners must sign and execute it.

// Collect the signatures using the signTransaction method
// Execute the transaction to store the messageHash
await protocolKit.executeTransaction(signMessageTx)

Once the transaction is executed, the message hash will be stored in the contract.

Validate the signature


When a message is stored on-chain, the isValidSignature method in the Protocol Kit needs to be called with the parameters messageHash and 0x. The method will check the stored hashes in the Safe contract to validate the signature.

import { hashSafeMessage } from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
const messageHash = hashSafeMessage(MESSAGE)
const isValid = await protocolKit.isValidSignature(messageHash, '0x')


When a message is stored off-chain, the isValidSignature method in the Protocol Kit must be called with the messageHash and the encodedSignatures parameters. The method will check the isValidSignature function defined in the CompatibilityFallbackHandler contract (opens in a new tab) to validate the signature.

const encodedSignatures = safeMessage.encodedSignatures()
const isValid = await protocolKit.isValidSignature(

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