Safe at

ETHGlobal Brussels

We proudly support this event by sponsoring 3 submission tracks for a total of $10,000.


Fri Jul 12 2024 - Sun Jul 14 2024


The Egg
Rue Bara 175, 1070 Anderlecht, Belgium

Get rewarded by contributing to the ecosystem

Tracks you can work on at this event:

🚀 Best app integrating ERC-7579 Safe Smart Accounts

Build an application that supports Safe accounts v1.4.1, integrates Pimlico's permissionless.js, Rhinestone's ModuleKit, and uses the Safe7579Adapter.


🔑 Best app integrating Passkeys with the Safe Smart Account

Build an application that integrates Passkeys using the Safe{Core} SDK.


🃏 Best app integrating Safe (wildcard)

Build any useful application with Safe users in mind. There are no limitations on the idea or technologies used.



Hands-on insights directly from our engineers


Integrating Passkeys with the Safe Smart Account

Workshop Room 4


Germán Martinez

Developer Relations

Meet the team at the event

Germán Martinez

Germán Martinez

Developer Relations

Louis Margot-Duclot

Louis Margot-Duclot

Support Engineer

Valentin Seehausen

Valentin Seehausen

Developer Experience Engineer

Safe Docs

Ready to build with Safe?

Start building on a robust and extensively documented line of products.

Safe Hackathon Success Guide

Learning materials, Previous Hackathon Winner and Ideas.

7579 Quickstart with Permissionless.js

Build a full-stack app with Safe and Passkeys

Getting started with ERC-4337 and Safe

Contact Us

Need some help with your submission?

Find our booth

Our booth is located in the main hall. Come say hi!


Join our Discord server by clicking the link below. The channel ETHCC2024 is dedicated to ETHGlobal Brussels.

Stack Exchange

Get support from our team by asking questions to Stack Exchange, with the tags "safe-core".