
Safe{Core} Protocol

Safe{Core} Protocol is an open, modular framework to make smart accounts secure, portable, and composable.

Safe{Core} Protocol aims to create a comprehensive system to enhance user interactions' safety and flexibility within the smart account ecosystem. The protocol provides a common framework for building more tools, encourages the composition of various modules, and supports different types of smart accounts. The protocol enforces rules within the smart account ecosystem to achieve interoperability and security.


The architecture of the Safe{Core} Protocol comprises several integral components, each carrying its unique responsibilities. The protocol separates these elements by defining explicit interfaces, thus allowing independent expansion and iteration of each part. This modularity ensures the sustainable growth and evolution of the smart account ecosystem.

diagram safe core protocol


At the heart of the protocol is the Manager, ensuring adherence to the prescribed rules set by the Registry. The Manager is an intermediary layer coordinating communication and interactions between Accounts and Modules.


Accounts are smart-contract-based user accounts (or Smart Accounts). The Safe{Core} Protocol is account-agnostic, meaning it's not tied to a specific account implementation.


Modules extend the functionality of Accounts in different ways. Initial Modules are Plugins, Hooks, Function Handlers, and Signature Verifiers.


The Registry is critical in maintaining and enforcing standards and security guarantees. The Manager will recognize and manage only the Modules that adhere to these guidelines.


Giving Metadata is crucial to offer a coherent context to the various parts and their interactions. This information helps developers add context to interactions, enhancing user understanding and transparency.

Further reading