Add or edit chains
Add (or edit) a blockchain network.
You can add a new chain by visiting this address: http://localhost:8000/cfg/admin/chains/chain/add/
(opens in a new tab)
You can edit an existing chain by visiting this address: http://localhost:8000/cfg/admin/chains/chain/{chain index}/change/
where {chain index}
is the index of the chain you want to edit.
Chain Id
The unique identifier for the chain.
The relative importance of this chain for your project. You can use this value between 0 and 100 to sort chains in the UI.
Chain name
The name of the chain, in plain letters.
EIP-3770 short name
The short name of the chain, as defined in EIP-3770 (opens in a new tab). This corresponds to the letters that will be prepended to all addresses on this chain.
A brief description of the chain.
Chain logo uri
The chain's logo to upload. This will be displayed in the UI.
Whether this chain is a Layer 2 chain.
Is testnet
Whether this chain is a testnet. This will be indicated in the UI.
Rpc authentication
Whether the RPC endpoint requires authentication to access its data.
Rpc uri
The URI of the chain's RPC endpoint.
Safe apps rpc authentication
Whether the RPC endpoint dedicated to Safe Apps will require authentication.
Safe Apps rpc uri
The URI of the chain's RPC endpoint dedicated to Safe Apps.
Public rpc authentication
Whether the fallback public RPC endpoint will require authentication.
Public rpc uri
The URI of the chain's RPC public endpoint.
Block explorer uri address template
The URI template for the chain's block explorer addresses. This will be used to generate address links to the block explorer. For example:{{address}}
Block explorer uri tx hash template
The URI template for the chain's block explorer transaction hashes. This will be used to generate txHash
links to the block explorer. For example:{{txHash}}
Block explorer uri api template
The URI template for the chain's block explorer API. This will be used to fetch data from the block explorer. For example:
Beacon chain explorer uri public key template
The URI template for the chain's beacon chain explorer public keys. This will be used to generate public key links to the beacon chain explorer. For example:{{publicKey}}
Currency name
The name of the chain's native currency.
Currency symbol
The symbol of the chain's native currency.
Currency decimals
The number of decimals of the chain's native currency.
Currency logo uri
The chain's native currency logo to upload. This will be displayed in the UI.
Transaction service uri
The URI of the chain's Transaction Service. This will be used to fetch transaction data from the chain. You will need to deploy one Transaction Service per chain, as well as txs-db
, amqp
and celery
Vpc transaction service uri
The URI of the chain's VPC Transaction Service. If you are using a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) to run your Transaction Service, you can set this URI to fetch transaction data from the chain.
Theme text color
The hexadecimal chain color to display the text in the UI.
Theme background color
The hexadecimal chain color to display the background in the UI.
Ens registry address
The address of the chain's ENS registry.
Recommended mastercopy version
The recommended version of the chain's mastercopy. This will be used to display a warning if the mastercopy is outdated. For example: 1.4.1
Prices provider native coin
The native coin used by the chain's price provider.
Prices provider chain name
The name of the chain on CoinGecko.
Balances provider chain name
The name of the chain on Zerion. (Not implemented.)
Balances provider enabled
Whether the chain's balances provider is enabled.
Whether the chain is hidden in the UI.
Safe singleton address
The address of the chain's Safe singleton.
Safe proxy factory address
The address of the chain's Safe ProxyFactory.
MultiSend address
The address of the chain's MultiSend contract.
MultiSend call only address
The address of the chain's MultiSendCallOnly contract.
Fallback handler address
The address of the chain's FallbackHandler contract.
Sign message lib address
The address of the chain's SignMessageLib contract.
Create call address
The address of the chain's CreateCall contract.
Simulate tx accessor address
The address of the chain's SimulateTxAccessor contract.
Safe web authn signer factory address
The address of the chain's SafeWebAuthnSignerFactory contract.
Features enabled on this chain
A list of features enabled on this chain. You can select as many as you want by clicking + Add another Feature-chain relationship
Gas prices set for this chain
A list of gas prices set for this chain. You can select as many as you want by clicking + Add another Gas price
Wallets enabled for this chain
A list of wallets enabled for this chain. You can select as many as you want by clicking + Add another Wallet-chain relationship