Passkeys with the Safe{Core} SDK

Passkeys with the Safe{Core} SDK

This guide will teach you how to create and execute multiple Safe transactions grouped in a batch from a Safe Smart Account that uses a passkey as an owner. To have a good user experience, we will use an ERC-4337 compatible Safe with sponsored transactions using Pimlico infrastructure. During this guide, we will create a new passkey, add it to the Safe as an owner, and use it to sign the user operations.

This guide uses Pimlico (opens in a new tab) as the service provider, but any other provider compatible with the ERC-4337 can be used.

Note: Please always use a combination of passkeys and other authentication methods to ensure the security of your users' assets.


Install dependencies

yarn add @safe-global/relay-kit
yarn add @safe-global/protocol-kit



Here are all the necessary imports for the script we implement in this guide.

import { Safe4337Pack } from '@safe-global/relay-kit'
import { extractPasskeyData } from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'

Create a passkey

Firstly, we need to generate a passkey credential using the WebAuthn API in a supporting browser environment.

const RP_NAME = 'Safe Smart Account'
const USER_DISPLAY_NAME = 'User display name'
const USER_NAME = 'User name'
const passkeyCredential = await navigator.credentials.create({
publicKey: {
pubKeyCredParams: [
alg: -7,
type: 'public-key'
challenge: crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(32)),
rp: {
name: RP_NAME
user: {
id: crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(32)),
timeout: 60_000,
attestation: 'none',

After generating the passkeyCredential object, we need to create a new object with the PasskeyArgType type that will contain the rawId and the coordinates information.

if (!passkeyCredential) {
throw Error("Passkey creation failed: No credential was returned.");
const passkey = await extractPasskeyData(passkeyCredential);

At this point, it's critical to securely store the information in the passkey object in a persistent service. Losing access to this data will result in the user being unable to access their passkey and, therefore, their Safe Smart Account.

Initialize the Safe4337Pack

Once the passkey is created and secured, we can use the Safe4337Pack class exported from the Relay Kit to create, sign, and submit Safe user operations.

To instantiate this class, the static init() method allows connecting existing Safe accounts (as long as they have the Safe4337Module enabled) or setting a custom configuration to deploy a new Safe account at the time where the first Safe transaction is submitted. For this guide, we will deploy a new Safe account, configure the paymaster options to get all the transactions sponsored and connect our passkey to add it as the only owner.

const PIMLICO_API_KEY = // ...
const RPC_URL = 'https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_sepolia'
const safe4337Pack = await Safe4337Pack.init({
provider: RPC_URL,
signer: passkey,
bundlerUrl: `https://api.pimlico.io/v1/sepolia/rpc?apikey=${PIMLICO_API_KEY}`,
paymasterOptions: {
isSponsored: true,
paymasterUrl: `https://api.pimlico.io/v2/sepolia/rpc?apikey=${PIMLICO_API_KEY}`,
paymasterAddress: '0x...',
paymasterTokenAddress: '0x...',
sponsorshipPolicyId // Optional value to set the sponsorship policy id from Pimlico
options: {
owners: [],
threshold: 1

Create a user operation

To create a Safe user operation, use the createTransaction() method, which takes the array of transactions to execute and returns a SafeOperation object.

// Define the transactions to execute
const transaction1 = { to, data, value }
const transaction2 = { to, data, value }
// Build the transaction array
const transactions = [transaction1, transaction2]
// Create the SafeOperation with all the transactions
const safeOperation = await safe4337Pack.createTransaction({ transactions })

The safeOperation object has the data and signatures properties, which contain all the information about the transaction batch and the signatures of the Safe owners, respectively.

Sign a user operation

Before sending the user operation to the bundler, the safeOperation object must be signed with the connected passkey. The user is now requested to authenticate with the associated device and sign in with a biometric sensor, PIN, or gesture.

The signSafeOperation() method, which receives a SafeOperation object, generates a signature that will be checked when the Safe4337Module validates the user operation.

const signedSafeOperation = await safe4337Pack.signSafeOperation(

Submit the user operation

Once the safeOperation object is signed with the passkey, we can call the executeTransaction() method to submit the user operation to the bundler.

const userOperationHash = await safe4337Pack.executeTransaction({
executable: signedSafeOperation

Check the transaction status

To check the transaction status, we can use the getTransactionReceipt() method, which returns the transaction receipt after it's executed.

let userOperationReceipt = null
while (!userOperationReceipt) {
// Wait 2 seconds before checking the status again
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
userOperationReceipt = await safe4337Pack.getUserOperationReceipt(

In addition, we can use the getUserOperationByHash() method with the returned hash to retrieve the user operation object we sent to the bundler.

const userOperationPayload = await safe4337Pack.getUserOperationByHash(

Recap and further reading

After following this guide, we are able to deploy a new ERC-4337 compatible Safe Smart Account setup with a passkey and create, sign, and execute Safe transactions signing them with the passkey. Learn more about passkeys and how Safe supports them in detail by following these links:

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