API Kit Reference


Returns the list of delegates for a given Safe address.


import { GetSafeDelegateProps } from '@safe-global/api-kit'
import { apiKit } from './setup.ts'
const config: GetSafeDelegateProps = {
safeAddress: '0x...', // Optional
delegateAddress: '0x...', // Optional
delegatorAddress: '0x...', // Optional
label: 'abc', // Optional
limit: '10', // Optional
offset: '50' // Optional
const delegates = await apiKit.getSafeDelegates(config)



The list of delegates.


config.safeAddress (Optional)

  • Type: string

The Safe address.

const delegates = await apiKit.getSafeDelegates({
safeAddress: '0x...'

config.delegateAddress (Optional)

  • Type: string

The delegate address.

const delegates = await apiKit.getSafeDelegates({
delegateAddress: '0x...'

config.delegatorAddress (Optional)

  • Type: string

The delegator address.

const delegates = await apiKit.getSafeDelegates({
delegatorAddress: '0x...'

config.label (Optional)

  • Type: string

The custom label.

const delegates = await apiKit.getSafeDelegates({
label: 'abc'

config.limit (Optional)

  • Type: string

The number of results returned per page.

const delegates = await apiKit.getSafeDelegates({
limit: '10'

config.offset (Optional)

  • Type: string

The initial index from which to return the results.

const delegates = await apiKit.getSafeDelegates({
offset: '50'

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