Starter Kit Reference


If the threshold of the connected Safe is greater than 1, it will create the Safe transaction and store it in the Safe Transaction Service to collect the signatures from the Safe owners.

If the threshold of the connected Safe is 1, the Safe transaction will be submitted and executed immediately.

If the Safe account is not deployed, it will be deployed when this method is called and funds will be required in the connected signer account.


import { safeClient } from './setup.ts'
const transactions = [{
to: '0x...',
data: '0x...',
value: '0',
operation: 1 // Optional
to: '0x...',
data: '0x...',
value: '0',
operation: 1 // Optional
const txResult = await safeClient.send({
from: '0x...', // Optional
gasLimit: '123', // Optional
gasPrice: '123', // Optional
maxFeePerGas: '123', // Optional
maxPriorityFeePerGas: '123', // Optional
nonce: 123 // Optional



The result of the Safe transaction sent.


  • Type: string

The address of the recipient.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
transactions: [{
to: '0x...',
value: '123',
data: '0x'


  • Type: string

The amount of native tokens that are transferred.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
transactions: [{
to: '0x...',
value: '123',
data: '0x'

  • Type: string

The encoded transaction data.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
transactions: [{
to: '0x...',
value: '123',
data: '0x'

transactions.operation (Optional)

  • Type: OperationType

  • Default: 1

The operation of the Safe transaction.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
transactions: [{
to: '0x...',
value: '123',
data: '0x',
operation: 0

from (Optional)

  • Type: string

The address of the transaction sender.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
from: '0x...'

gasLimit (Optional)

  • Type: stringnumber | string | bigint

The maximum amount of gas the transaction can use.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
gasLimit: '123'

gasPrice (Optional)

  • Type: number | string

The price in wei that the sender is willing to pay for each unit of gas.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
gasPrice: '123'

maxFeePerGas (Optional)

  • Type: number | string

The maximum fee per gas the sender is willing to pay.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
maxFeePerGas: '123'

maxPriorityFeePerGas (Optional)

  • Type: number | string

The maximum priority fee per gas the sender is willing to pay.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
maxPriorityFeePerGas: '123'

nonce (Optional)

  • Type: number | string

The nonce of the transaction.

const txResult = await safeClient.send({
nonce: 123

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