Action Guides
AI agent swaps on CoW Swap

AI agent swaps on CoW Swap

CoW swap ensures best prices and fastest execution and minimizes MEV.

You can find a working code example to run locally in our AI agent with Safe Smart Account CoW Swap example repository (opens in a new tab).

Here is a quick guide to get you up and running:


  • A deployed Safe Smart Account
  • The AI agent is a signer on the Safe
  • This example assumes, that the threshold of the Safe Smart Account is one, so the AI agent can sign autonomously. If you require more signatures, you have to collect those signatures programmatically of with the Safe Wallet (opens in a new tab).

Let your AI agent send an intent

Setup the Safe Smart Account

Your Safe Smart Account should be deployed. Now, initialize an instance with the Protocol Kit:

import Safe from "@safe-global/protocol-kit";
const preExistingSafe = await Safe.init({
provider: RPC_URL,
safeAddress: SAFE_ADDRESS,

Send swap intent

Now, you can use the CoW Swap SDK to assemble a transaction that you can sign and execute with your Safe Smart Account. The swap will then be executed.

Please be aware that the CoW Swap's SDK uses Ethers, while Safe's SDK use viem. You will see some warnings in the logs, but the code works nonetheless.

In this example, we buy COW and pay with WETH.

import {
} from "@cowprotocol/cow-sdk";
import { VoidSigner } from "@ethersproject/abstract-signer";
import { JsonRpcProvider } from "@ethersproject/providers";
const traderParams = {
chainId: SupportedChainId.SEPOLIA,
signer: new VoidSigner(
smartContractWalletAddress: SAFE_ADDRESS,
new JsonRpcProvider("https://sepolia.gateway.tenderly.co")
appCode: "awesome-app",
const cowSdk = new TradingSdk(traderParams, { logs: false });
const parameters: TradeParameters = {
kind: OrderKind.SELL,
sellToken: WETH_ADDRESS,
sellTokenDecimals: 18,
buyToken: COW_ADDRESS,
buyTokenDecimals: 18,
const advancedParameters: SwapAdvancedSettings = {
quoteRequest: {
// Specify the signing scheme
signingScheme: SigningScheme.PRESIGN,
const orderId = await cowSdk.postSwapOrder(parameters, advancedParameters);
console.log(`Order ID: [${orderId}]`);
const preSignTransaction = await cowSdk.getPreSignTransaction({
account: smartContractWalletAddress,
const customChain = defineChain({
name: "custom chain",
transport: http(RPC_URL),
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: customChain,
transport: http(RPC_URL),
const safePreSignTx: MetaTransactionData = {
to: preSignTransaction.to,
value: preSignTransaction.value,
data: preSignTransaction.data,
operation: OperationType.Call,
const safeTx = await preExistingSafe.createTransaction({
transactions: [safePreSignTx],
onlyCalls: true,
// You might need to collect more signatures here
const txResponse = await preExistingSafe.executeTransaction(safeTx);
console.log(`Sent tx hash: [${txResponse.hash}]`);
console.log("Waiting for the tx to be mined");
await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({
hash: txResponse.hash as `0x${string}`,

Next steps

Now, where your AI agent can execute trades autonomously, you are free to use this power as you like. You can find more specific information in the CoW Swap Trading SDK docs (opens in a new tab).

If you have a technical question about Safe Smart Accounts, feel free to reach out on Stack Exchange (opens in a new tab) with the safe-core tag.

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