Setup an AI agent

Create an AI agent that can interact with your Safe

In this tutorial, we will learn how to set up and deploy an AI agent that has capabilities to access a Safe and prepare transactions for it 🤖. We will use LangChain (opens in a new tab) to set up the agent, the Protocol Kit to interact with Safes, and ollama (opens in a new tab) to load and run the agents locally.

Note: If you wish to follow along using the completed project, you can check out the GitHub repository (opens in a new tab) for this tutorial.

What you'll need

Prerequisite knowledge: You will need some basic familiarity with the LangChain framework (opens in a new tab) and Node.js (opens in a new tab).

Before progressing with the tutorial, please make sure you have:

1. Setup a LangChain project

With LangChain, we can rapidly swap models and providers, and chain the results of your prompts to plug it into configurable APIs and web automations.

LangChain comes with TypeScript and Python SDKs. While the TypeScript is more easily into web applications, the Python SDK is more elaborate and will enable you to interact with your model with more granularity.

To create a new LangChain project, run the following commands in your terminal:

mkdir my-safe-agent
cd my-safe-agent
touch .env

To install the project dependencies, run:


pnpm add @langchain/core @langchain/langgraph @langchain/ollama @safe-global/protocol-kit tsx viem zod

Then, fill your agent wallet's private key and address in .env, with some optional values for debugging and monitoring the agent, as follows:

# Optional:
LANGCHAIN_PROJECT="Safe Agent Tutorial"

2. Choose your model

In this tutorial, we will use the Mistral.ai (opens in a new tab) model mistral-nemo, but you can replace it with any other model you prefer. Since it is a local model, we will first download it by running:

ollama pull mistral-nemo

If you want to play around with the model before going further, type the following to your terminal to engage a conversation:

ollama run mistral-nemo


Note that the ollama desktop app must be running in the background for the agent to work.

Use /bye to exit the chat.

3. Create the agent

Now that we are all set, we can write the logic of our agent. Create a new file called agent.ts at the root of your project and add the following code:

import { ChatOllama } from "@langchain/ollama";
// import { ChatOpenAI } from "@langchain/openai";
import { MemorySaver } from "@langchain/langgraph";
import { HumanMessage } from "@langchain/core/messages";
import { createReactAgent } from "@langchain/langgraph/prebuilt";
import { tool } from "@langchain/core/tools";
import {
} from "./tools/safe";
import { getEthPriceUsd, getEthPriceUsdMetadata } from "./tools/prices";
import { multiply, multiplyMetadata } from "./tools/math";
const main = async () => {
// Define the tools for the agent to use
const agentTools = [
tool(getEthBalance, getEthBalanceMetadata),
tool(getEthPriceUsd, getEthPriceUsdMetadata),
tool(multiply, multiplyMetadata),
tool(deployNewSafe, deployNewSafeMetadata),
// Initialize the agent with a model running locally:
const agentModel = new ChatOllama({ model: "mistral-nemo" }); // Feel free to try different models. For the full list: https://ollama.com/search?c=tools
// Or if your prefer using OpenAI (you will need to provide an OPENAI_API_KEY in the .env file.):
// const agentModel = new ChatOpenAI({ temperature: 0, model: "o3-mini" });
const agentCheckpointer = new MemorySaver(); // Initialize memory to persist state between graph runs
const agent = createReactAgent({
llm: agentModel,
tools: agentTools,
checkpointSaver: agentCheckpointer,
// Let's chat!
const agentFinalState = await agent.invoke(
messages: [
new HumanMessage(
"what is the current balance of the Safe Multisig at the address 0x220866B1A2219f40e72f5c628B65D54268cA3A9D on chain id 1? Please answer in ETH and its total value in USD."
{ configurable: { thread_id: "42" } }
agentFinalState.messages[agentFinalState.messages.length - 1].content
// You can continue the conversation by adding more messages:
// const agentNextState = await agent.invoke(
// {
// messages: [
// new HumanMessage("Could you deploy a new Safe multisig on Sepolia?"),
// ],
// },
// { configurable: { thread_id: "42" } }
// );
// console.log("--- Prompt #2 ---");
// console.log(
// agentNextState.messages[agentNextState.messages.length - 1].content
// );

This file will load the model, create a LangGraph agent (opens in a new tab), and attach any tools we may need to interact with a Safe.

It will also send the first messages to our agent to test that it works correctly.

4. Add the tools

As mentioned above, the agent will load tools (opens in a new tab), which will enable it to gain much more precision compared to the non-deterministic raw output they normally produce. We want our agent to be able to manage funds, and we cannot afford to rely on luck to generate transaction data.

To give reliability to your agent, you can pre-define widgets of code that it will be able to invoke. In this case, we will use CoinGecko API (opens in a new tab) to fetch latest ETH prices. Create a new folder tools with the file prices.ts in it:

mkdir tools
touch tools/prices.ts

Add the following code:

import { z } from "zod";
export const getEthPriceUsd = async (): Promise<string> => {
const fetchedPrice = await fetch(
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
).catch((error) => {
throw new Error("Error fetching data from the tx service:" + error);
const ethPriceData = await fetchedPrice.json();
const ethPriceUsd = ethPriceData?.ethereum?.usd;
return `The price of 1ETH is ${ethPriceUsd.toLocaleString("en-US")}USD at today's prices.`;
export const getEthPriceUsdMetadata = {
name: "getEthPriceUsd",
"Call to get the price of ETH in USD.",
schema: z.object({}),

Then, we will use the Safe Transaction Service (opens in a new tab) to fetch the balance of an address, and the Protocol Kit to deploy Safes. Create a new file safe.ts in the tools folder:

touch tools/safe.ts

Copy the following code:

import { z } from "zod";
import Safe from "@safe-global/protocol-kit";
import { createPublicClient, formatEther, http } from "viem";
import { sepolia } from "viem/chains";
export const getEthBalance = async ({ address, chainId }) => {
if (chainId !== "1") throw new Error("Chain ID not supported.");
if (!address.startsWith("0x") || address.length !== 42) {
throw new Error("Invalid address.");
const fetchedEthBalance = await fetch(
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
).catch((error) => {
throw new Error("Error fetching data from the tx service:" + error);
const ethBalanceData = await fetchedEthBalance.json();
const weiBalance = ethBalanceData.find(
(element) => element?.tokenAddress === null && element?.token === null
const ethBalance = formatEther(weiBalance); // Convert from wei to eth
return `The current balance of the Safe Multisig at address ${address} is ${ethBalance} ETH.`;
export const deployNewSafe = async () => {
const saltNonce = Math.trunc(Math.random() * 10 ** 10).toString(); // Random 10-digit integer
const protocolKit = await Safe.init({
provider: "https://rpc.ankr.com/eth_sepolia",
signer: process.env.AGENT_PRIVATE_KEY,
predictedSafe: {
safeAccountConfig: {
owners: [process.env.AGENT_ADDRESS as string],
threshold: 1,
safeDeploymentConfig: {
const safeAddress = await protocolKit.getAddress();
const deploymentTransaction =
await protocolKit.createSafeDeploymentTransaction();
const safeClient = await protocolKit.getSafeProvider().getExternalSigner();
const transactionHash = await safeClient?.sendTransaction({
to: deploymentTransaction.to,
value: BigInt(deploymentTransaction.value),
data: deploymentTransaction.data as `0x${string}`,
chain: sepolia,
const publicClient = createPublicClient({
chain: sepolia,
transport: http(),
await publicClient?.waitForTransactionReceipt({
hash: transactionHash as `0x${string}`,
return `A new Safe multisig was successfully deployed on Sepolia. You can see it live at https://app.safe.global/home?safe=sep:${safeAddress}. The saltNonce used was ${saltNonce}.`;
export const getEthBalanceMetadata = {
name: "getEthBalance",
"Call to get the balance in ETH of a Safe Multisig for a given address and chain ID.",
schema: z.object({
address: z.string(),
chainId: z.enum(["1"]),
export const deployNewSafeMetadata = {
name: "deployNewSafe",
description: "Call to deploy a new 1-1 Safe Multisig on Sepolia.",
schema: z.object({}),

Lastly, to improve the reliability of mathematical operation in certain models, we will add a tool to handle simple operations (here, a multiplication). Create a new file math.ts in the tools folder:

touch tools/math.ts

Add the following code:

import { z } from "zod";
export const multiply = ({ a, b }: { a: number; b: number }): string => {
return `The result of ${a} multiplied by ${b} is ${a * b}.`;
export const multiplyMetadata = {
name: "multiply",
description: "Call when you need to multiply two numbers together.",
schema: z.object({
a: z.number(),
b: z.number(),

5. Run the agent

We're all set! To run the agent, execute the following command in your terminal:

pnpm tsx --env-file=.env agent.ts

You can see that the agent is running the first prompt, about the balance of Eth in a given Safe. It returns the number of ETH this address contains, and its value in USD at the current prices.

Un-comment the lines 57 to 69 to add a second prompt, which will deploy a Safe with a given amount of ETH. You can then see the agent deploying the Safe and returning the address of the newly created Safe.

Agent running

You can run the script multiple times; the agent will slightly adapt or rephrase its answers, but should always return similar results. If it does not, you can try to run larger models, and adjust the wording of the prompts and tool descriptions, as they will greatly influence the agent's behaviour.

Debugging your agent

It is highly recommended to add a LangSmith configuration to your agent. This will allow you to debug your agent in real-time, and to see the output of your agent in a more readable format.

You can think of it as Tenderly for AI agents, where you can visualize the whole stack being called in real-time and the full content of the chain of thought. You can use it to debug your tools, and refine your prompts repeatedly without having to pay large API costs from AI providers.

Going further with Safe agents

Congrats! In just a few lines of code, we learned how to run an agent locally, and equip it with specialized tools tailored to our needs. We can now deploy Safes, check their balance, and interact with them in a more efficient way using the power of modern LLMs.

Running local agents is ideal for rapid iteration and development. Many tries can be necessary to adjust the prompt and the system instructions so that your agent can work more reliably. Once the agent is ready, you can deploy it to production (opens in a new tab) and let it run autonomously with bigger models, harnessing the full power of this new computing paradigm.

To go further, you can take a look at the resources below:

Did you encounter any difficulties? Let us know by opening an issue (opens in a new tab) or asking a question on Stack Exchange (opens in a new tab) with the safe-core tag.

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