Migrate to v2

Migrate to v2

This guide references the major changes between v1 and v2 to help those migrating an existing app.

Note: When upgrading to protocol-kit v2, it's necessary to upgrade to safe-core-sdk-types v3.

MasterCopy to Singleton

To avoid confusion between terms used as synonyms, we aligned all our code to use the word singleton.

  • Rename isL1SafeMasterCopy to isL1SafeSingleton

// old:
SafeFactory.create({ ethAdapter, isL1SafeMasterCopy: true })
// new:
SafeFactory.create({ ethAdapter, isL1SafeSingleton: true })

Ethers v6

From protocolKit v2, EthersAdapter will only be compatible with ethers.js v6. If you still need to use v5, we recommend you keep protocolKit v1, but we encourage you to migrate to the latest version when you can.

Protocol Kit createTransaction() accepts only transaction array

In protocolKit v1, the createTransaction() method accepted either an object or an array as a parameter. To avoid confusion, we changed it to accept only an array. Here is a migration example:

// old:
const safeTransactionData = {
to: '',
data: '',
value: '',
nonce: '',
safeTxGas: ''
const safeTransaction = protocolKit.createTransaction({ safeTransactionData })
// new:
const safeTransactionData = {
to: '',
data: '',
value: ''
const options = {
nonce: '',
safeTxGas: ''
const safeTransaction = protocolKit.createTransaction({
transactions: [safeTransactionData],

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