ERC-4337 Safe SDK

Safe accounts with the Safe4337Module


EntryPoint compatibility: The Relay Kit only supports the ERC-4337 EntryPoint v0.6. v0.7 is not supported yet.

In this guide, you will learn how to create and execute multiple Safe transactions grouped in a batch from a Safe account that is not yet deployed and where the executor may or may not have funds to pay for the transaction fees. This can be achieved by supporting the ERC-4337 execution flow, which is supported by the Safe4337Module and exposed via the Relay Kit from the Safe{Core} SDK.

Read the Safe4337Module documentation to understand its benefits and flows better.

Pimlico (opens in a new tab) is used in this guide as the service provider, but any other provider compatible with the ERC-4337 can be used.


Install dependencies

yarn add @safe-global/relay-kit



Here are all the necessary imports for the script we implement in this guide.

import { Safe4337Pack } from '@safe-global/relay-kit'

Create a signer

Firstly, we need to get a signer, which will be the owner of a Safe account after it's deployed.

In this example, we use a private key, but any way to get an EIP-1193 compatible signer can be used.

const SIGNER_ADDRESS = // ...
const SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY = // ...
const RPC_URL = ''

Initialize the Safe4337Pack

The Safe4337Pack class is exported from the Relay Kit and implements the ERC-4337 to create, sign, and submit Safe user operations.

To instantiate this class, the static init() method allows connecting existing Safe accounts (as long as they have the Safe4337Module enabled) or setting a custom configuration to deploy a new Safe account at the time where the first Safe transaction is submitted.

When deploying a new Safe account, we need to pass the configuration of the Safe in the options property. In this case, we are configuring a Safe account that will have our signer as the only owner.

const safe4337Pack = await Safe4337Pack.init({
provider: RPC_URL,
bundlerUrl: `${PIMLICO_API_KEY}`,
options: {
threshold: 1
// ...

By default, the transaction fees will be paid in the native token and extracted from the Safe account, so there must be enough funds in the Safe address.

You can also use a paymaster to handle the fees. If you choose to use a paymaster, there are two other ways to initialize the Safe4337Pack.

A paymaster will execute the transactions and get reimbursed from the Safe account, which must have enough funds in the Safe address in advance.

Payment of transaction fees is made using an ERC-20 token specified with the paymasterTokenAddress property. If an ERC-20 token is used, the Safe must approve that token to the paymaster. If no balance is approved, it can be specified using the amountToApprove property.

const safe4337Pack = await Safe4337Pack.init({
// ...
paymasterOptions: {
paymasterAddress: '0x...',
paymasterTokenAddress: '0x...',
amountToApprove // Optional

Create a user operation

To create a Safe user operation, use the createTransaction() method, which takes the array of transactions to execute and returns a SafeOperation object.

// Define the transactions to execute
const transaction1 = { to, data, value }
const transaction2 = { to, data, value }
// Build the transaction array
const transactions = [transaction1, transaction2]
// Create the SafeOperation with all the transactions
const safeOperation = await safe4337Pack.createTransaction({ transactions })

The safeOperation object has the data and signatures properties, which contain all the information about the transaction batch and the signatures of the Safe owners, respectively.

Track the user operation

Optionally, you can track all your ERC-4337 Safe transactions on-chain by attaching an on-chain identifier to the user operation callData.

This identifier must be unique for every project and has a length of 16 bytes. You can create a random one or derive it from a text string, maybe from your project name:

const onchainIdentifier = toHex(
'TEXT_TO_DERIVE_THE_IDENTIFIER', // It could be your project name
{ size: 16 }

Once generated, fill the Ecosystem On-chain Tracking Form (opens in a new tab) and provide the value of your onchainIdentifier.

Add the onchainIdentifier at the end of the ERC-4337 user operation callData.

_10 = concat([
_10 as `0x{string}`,
const identifiedSafeOperation = await safe4337Pack.getEstimateFee({

Once added, the Safe owners can sign the identifiedSafeOperation.

Sign the user operation

Before sending the user operation to the bundler, it's required to sign the safeOperation object with the connected signer. The signSafeOperation() method, which receives a SafeOperation object, generates a signature that will be checked when the Safe4337Module validates the user operation.

const signedSafeOperation = await safe4337Pack.signSafeOperation(identifiedSafeOperation)

Submit the user operation

Once the safeOperation object is signed, we can call the executeTransaction() method to submit the user operation to the bundler.

const userOperationHash = await safe4337Pack.executeTransaction({
executable: signedSafeOperation

This method returns the hash of the user operation. With it, we can monitor the transaction status using a block explorer or the bundler's API.

Check the transaction status

To check the transaction status, we can use the getTransactionReceipt() method, which returns the transaction receipt after it's executed.

let userOperationReceipt = null
while (!userOperationReceipt) {
// Wait 2 seconds before checking the status again
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000))
userOperationReceipt = await safe4337Pack.getUserOperationReceipt(

In addition, we can use the getUserOperationByHash() method with the returned hash to retrieve the user operation object we sent to the bundler.

const userOperationPayload = await safe4337Pack.getUserOperationByHash(

Recap and further reading

After following this guide, we are able to deploy new Safe accounts and create, sign, and execute Safe transactions in a batch without the executor needing to have funds to pay for the transaction fees.

Learn more about the ERC-4337 standard and the Safe4337Module contract following these links:

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