Migrate to v5

Migrate to v5

This guide references the major changes between v4 and v5 to help those migrating an existing app.

Removing SafeFactory class

The SafeFactory class, previously used for deploying Safes, has been removed. The functionality to deploy Safes is now directly available in the Safe class through the new createSafeDeploymentTransaction method.

Old Method Using SafeFactory

// old v4 code
import { SafeFactory, SafeAccountConfig } from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
const safeFactory = await SafeFactory.init({
safeVersion // Optional
const safeAccountConfig: SafeAccountConfig = {
owners: ['0x...', '0x...', '0x...'],
threshold: 2
const protocolKit = await safeFactory.deploySafe({
saltNonce // Optional
// Confirm the Safe is deployed and fetch properties
console.log('Is Safe deployed:', await protocolKit.isSafeDeployed())
console.log('Safe Address:', await protocolKit.getAddress())
console.log('Safe Owners:', await protocolKit.getOwners())
console.log('Safe Threshold:', await protocolKit.getThreshold())

New Method Using Safe class

// new v5 code
import Safe, { PredictedSafeProps } from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
const predictedSafe: PredictedSafeProps = {
safeAccountConfig: {
owners: ['0x...', '0x...', '0x...'],
threshold: 2
safeDeploymentConfig: {
saltNonce, // Optional
safeVersion // Optional
let protocolKit = await Safe.init({
// you can predict the address of your Safe if the Safe version is `v1.3.0` or above
const safeAddress = await protocolKit.getAddress()
const deploymentTransaction = await protocolKit.createSafeDeploymentTransaction()
// Execute this transaction using the integrated signer or your preferred external Ethereum client
const client = await protocolKit.getSafeProvider().getExternalSigner()
const txHash = await client.sendTransaction({
value: BigInt(deploymentTransaction.value),
data: as `0x${string}`,
chain: sepolia
const txReceipt = await client.waitForTransactionReceipt({ hash: txHash })
// Reconnect to the newly deployed Safe using the protocol-kit
protocolKit = await protocolKit.connect({ safeAddress })
// Confirm the Safe is deployed and fetch properties
console.log('Is Safe deployed:', await protocolKit.isSafeDeployed())
console.log('Safe Address:', await protocolKit.getAddress())
console.log('Safe Owners:', await protocolKit.getOwners())
console.log('Safe Threshold:', await protocolKit.getThreshold())

Predict the Safe Address

You can predict the address of a Safe account before its deployment, as long as you are using Safe v1.3.0 or greater, by replacing the SafeFactory.predictSafeAddress method with the Safe.getAddress method:

// old v4 code
const predictedSafeAddress = await safeFactory.predictSafeAddress(
saltNonce // optional
// new v5 code
const predictedSafeAddress = await protocolKit.getAddress()

Migration Steps

  • Remove any import or reference of the SafeFactory class from your code.
  • Replace the SafeFactory.deploySafe method with the Safe.createSafeDeploymentTransaction method where necessary. You can use your Ethereum client to execute this deployment transaction.
  • To predict the Address of your Safe Account, replace the SafeFactory.predictSafeAddress method with the Safe.getAddress method.
  • After the deployment transaction has been executed, it is necessary to reconnect the Protocol Kit instance to the newly created Safe address by using the connect method.

The removal of SafeFactory means there’s one less class to initialize and manage within your project. You can now directly use the Safe class to handle all operations related to Safes, including their deployment.

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