Send Transactions

Send Transactions

This guide will teach you how to deploy new Safe accounts and create, sign, and execute Safe transactions using the Safe React Hooks.

For more detailed information, see the Safe React Hooks Reference.


Install dependencies

First, you need to install some dependencies.

pnpm add @safe-global/safe-react-hooks



Here are all the necessary imports for this guide.

import {
} from '@safe-global/safe-react-hooks'
import { sepolia } from 'viem/chains'

Create a signer and provider

Firstly, you need to get a signer, which will be the owner of a Safe account after it's deployed.

This example uses a private key, but any way to get an EIP-1193 compatible signer can be used.

const SIGNER_ADDRESS = // ...
const SIGNER_PRIVATE_KEY = // ...
const RPC_URL = ''

Initialize the Safe React Hooks

You need to wrap your app with the SafeProvider to have access to the different Safe React Hooks like useSendTransaction(), useConfirmTransaction(), and usePendingTransactions() that will provide the functionality you need in this guide.

SafeProvider receives a config object with different properties to create the global configuration that you can get from the createConfig function.

When deploying a new Safe account for the connected signer, you need to pass the configuration of the Safe in the safeOptions property. In this case, the Safe account is configured with your signer as the only owner.

const config = createConfig({
chain: sepolia,
provider: RPC_URL,
safeOptions: {
threshold: 1

To apply the global configuration to your app, pass the created config to the SafeProvider.

<SafeProvider config={config}>
<App />

Create a Safe transaction

Create an array of Safe transactions to execute.

const transactions = [{
to: '0x...',
data: '0x',
value: '0'

Send the Safe transaction

Create a SendTransaction component in your application to create and send a transaction.

If you configured your Safe with threshold equal to 1, calling the sendTransaction function from the useSendTransaction hook will execute the Safe transaction. However, if the threshold is greater than 1 the other owners of the Safe will need to confirm the transaction until the required number of signatures are collected.

function SendTransaction() {
const { sendTransaction } = useSendTransaction()
const sendTransactionParams: SendTransactionVariables = {
return (
<button onClick={() => sendTransaction(sendTransactionParams)}>
Send Transaction
export default SendTransaction

Confirm the Safe transaction

Create a ConfirmPendingTransactions component in your application to check the transactions pending for confirmation in case the Safe transaction needs to be confirmed by other Safe owners.

Retrieve all the pending Safe transactions from the Safe Transaction Service by calling the getPendingTransaction function from the useSafe hook, and call the confirmTransaction function from the useConfirmTransaction hook to confirm them.

Notice that the SafeProvider configuration needs to be initialized with a different Safe owner as the signer when confirming a transaction.

function ConfirmPendingTransactions() {
const { getPendingTransactions } = useSafe()
const { data = [] } = getPendingTransactions()
const { confirmTransaction } = useConfirmTransaction()
return (
{data.length > 0 && => (
<button onClick={() => confirmTransaction({
safeTxHash: tx.safeTxHash
})} />
export default ConfirmPendingTransactions

Once the total number of confirmations reaches the threshold of the Safe, the confirmTransaction will automatically execute the transaction.

Recap and further reading

After following this guide, you are able to deploy new Safe accounts and create, sign, and execute Safe transactions using the Safe React Hooks.

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