Migrate to v3

Migrate to v3

This guide references the major changes between v2 and v3 to help those migrating an existing app.

Remove the adapters

We have removed the concept of adapters from the protocol-kit to simplify the library. Instead of using specific library adapters, we use now an internal SafeProvider object to interact with the Safe. This SafeProvider will be created using:

  • An Ethereum provider, an EIP-1193 (opens in a new tab) compatible provider, or an RPC URL.
  • An optional address of the signer that is connected to the provider or a private key. If not provided, the first account of the provider (eth_accounts) will be selected as the signer.

These changes affect the creation of the Safe4337Pack instance, as it was previously using an ethAdapter compatible object.

// old
const safe4337Pack = await Safe4337Pack.init({
ethAdapter: new EthersAdapter({ ethers, signerOrProvider }),
// ...

// new
const safe4337Pack = await Safe4337Pack.init({
provider: window.ethereum, // Or any compatible EIP-1193 provider,
signer: 'signerAddressOrPrivateKey', // Signer address or signer private key
// ...
const safe4337Pack = await Safe4337Pack.init({
provider: 'http://rpc.url', // Or websocket
signer: 'privateKey', // Signer private key
// ...

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