Execute transactions

Execute transactions

In this guide, you will learn how to create Safe transactions, sign them, collect the signatures from the different owners, and execute them.

See the Protocol Kit reference to find more details and configuration options.


Install dependencies

First, you need to install some dependencies.

pnpm add @safe-global/api-kit \
@safe-global/protocol-kit \



Here are all the necessary imports for this guide.

import SafeApiKit from '@safe-global/api-kit'
import Safe from '@safe-global/protocol-kit'
import {
} from '@safe-global/types-kit'


You need a Safe account setup with two or more signers and threshold two, so at least multiple signatures have to be collected when executing a transaction.

This example uses private keys, but any EIP-1193 compatible signers can be used.

const SAFE_ADDRESS = // ...
const OWNER_1_ADDRESS = // ...
const OWNER_1_PRIVATE_KEY = // ...
const OWNER_2_PRIVATE_KEY = // ...
const RPC_URL = ''

This guide uses Sepolia, but you can use any chain from the Safe Transaction Service supported networks.

Initialize the Protocol Kit

To handle transactions and signatures, you need to create an instance of the Protocol Kit with the provider, signer and safeAddress.

Optionally, you can track your Safe transactions on-chain by using the onchainAnalytics property.

const protocolKitOwner1 = await Safe.init({
provider: RPC_URL,
safeAddress: SAFE_ADDRESS,
onchainAnalytics // Optional

Create a transaction

Create a safeTransactionData object with the properties of the transaction, add it to an array of transactions you want to execute, and pass it to the createTransaction method.

const safeTransactionData: MetaTransactionData = {
to: '0x',
value: '1', // 1 wei
data: '0x',
operation: OperationType.Call
const safeTransaction = await protocolKitOwner1.createTransaction({
transactions: [safeTransactionData]

For more details on what to include in a transaction, see the createTransaction method in the reference.

Propose the transaction

Before a transaction can be executed, the signer who creates it needs to send it to the Safe Transaction Service so that it is accessible by the other owners, who can then give their approval and sign the transaction.

Firstly, you need to create an instance of the API Kit. In chains where the Safe Transaction Service is supported, it's enough to specify the chainId property.

const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({
chainId: 11155111n

You need to calculate the Safe transaction hash, sign the transaction hash, and call the proposeTransaction method from the API Kit instance to propose a transaction.

For a full list and description of the properties see proposeTransaction in the API Kit reference.

// Deterministic hash based on transaction parameters
const safeTxHash = await protocolKitOwner1.getTransactionHash(safeTransaction)
// Sign transaction to verify that the transaction is coming from owner 1
const senderSignature = await protocolKitOwner1.signHash(safeTxHash)
await apiKit.proposeTransaction({
senderAddress: OWNER_1_ADDRESS,

Retrieve the pending transactions

The other signers need to retrieve the pending transactions from the Safe Transaction Service. Depending on the situation, different methods in the API Kit are available.

Call the getPendingTransactions method to retrieve all the pending transactions of a Safe account.

const pendingTransactions = (await apiKit.getPendingTransactions(safeAddress)).results

Confirm the transaction

Once a signer has the pending transaction, they need to sign it with the Protocol Kit and submit the signature to the service using the confirmTransaction method.

const protocolKitOwner2 = await Safe.init({
provider: RPC_URL,
safeAddress: SAFE_ADDRESS
const safeTxHash = transaction.transactionHash
const signature = await protocolKitOwner2.signHash(safeTxHash)
// Confirm the Safe transaction
const signatureResponse = await apiKit.confirmTransaction(

Execute the transaction

The Safe transaction is now ready to be executed. This can be done using the Safe{Wallet} (opens in a new tab) web interface, the Protocol Kit, the Safe CLI or any other tool that's available.

In this guide, the first signer will get the transaction from the service by calling the getTransaction method and execute it by passing the transaction with all the signatures to the executeTransaction method.

const safeTransaction = await apiKit.getTransaction(safeTxHash)
const executeTxResponse = await protocolKitOwner1.executeTransaction(safeTransaction)

Recap and further reading

After following this guide, you are able to create, sign, and execute Safe transactions with the Protocol Kit and share the signatures with the different signers using the API Kit.

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