Contracts Deployment

Safe{Core} contracts deployment

In this section, you will deploy the Safe{Core} contracts on your chain. All Safe contract deployments on any network follow the same procedure to ensure a deterministic address for all singleton contracts (proxy-factory, mastercopy, etc.) and verify the deployment.


Open a pull request (opens in a new tab) to add your chain to chainlist.org (opens in a new tab).


Singleton factory contract deployment


You do not need to perform these tasks if your network is based on a rollup framework with Safe contracts already deployed (for example, OP Stack).

  1. Create a new issue in the safe-singleton-factory (opens in a new tab) repository.
  2. A bot will reply to the issue with the deployer address (0x914...3d7) and the amount of native token you need to send to this address.
  3. Once funded, mark the checkbox on the GitHub issue.
  4. The review of the issues happens every two weeks. Our team will perform the deterministic deployment of the safe-singleton-factory contract and publish a new npm release of @safe-global/safe-singleton-factory (opens in a new tab).

Singleton contracts deployment


You do not need to perform these tasks if your network is based on a rollup framework with Safe contracts already deployed (for example, OP Stack).

  1. Clone the safe-smart-account (opens in a new tab) repository by running the following command:

    git clone --branch v1.3.0-libs.0 https://github.com/safe-global/safe-smart-account.git
    cd safe-smart-account

  2. Get the latest version of @safe-global/safe-singleton-factory (opens in a new tab), by running the following command:

    npm i --save-dev @safe-global/safe-singleton-factory

    Ensure the latest version includes your safe-singleton-factory deployment from before.

  3. Deploy Contracts.

    Create a .env file in the root of the repository with the following content:


    Deploy the contracts by running this command:

    npm run deploy-all your_chain_id

  4. The script should deploy all the singleton contracts (nine contracts in total). Write down each address (example addresses for v1.3.0 could look like):

    compatibility_fallback_handler: `0x017062a1dE2FE6b99BE3d9d37841FeD19F573804`
    create_call: `0xB19D6FFc2182150F8Eb585b79D4ABcd7C5640A9d`
    gnosis_safe: `0x69f4D1788e39c87893C980c06EdF4b7f686e2938`
    gnosis_safe_l2: `0xfb1bffC9d739B8D520DaF37dF666da4C687191EA`
    multi_send: `0x998739BFdAAdde7C933B942a68053933098f9EDa`
    multi_send_call_only: `0xA1dabEF33b3B82c7814B6D82A79e50F4AC44102B`
    proxy_factory: `0xC22834581EbC8527d974F8a1c97E1bEA4EF910BC`
    sign_message_lib: `0x98FFBBF51bb33A056B08ddf711f289936AafF717`
    simulate_tx_accessor: `0x727a77a074D1E6c4530e814F89E618a3298FC044`

Record your contracts in the official registry

You must share your singleton contract deployment addresses in the official public registry.

  1. Fork the safe-deployments (opens in a new tab) GitHub repository.

  2. Add your chain ID to each of the nine JSON files in src/assets/<version>. If you deployed with the singleton deployment from above, you have to mark your chain's deployment as "canonical". For example, add this line to gnosis_safe.json to indicate the gnosis safe has the canonical address on your chain:

    "<your_chain_id>": "canonical"

  3. Open a pull request. Your pull request should follow this example pull request (opens in a new tab).

Now, you have deployed the Safe{Core} contracts on your chain.

In the next step, you have to install the Safe{Core} Infrastructure.

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