Data decoder

Transaction data decoder

This guide shows how to use the Safe Transaction Service API to decode transaction data for contract interactions.

The different steps are implemented using Curl (opens in a new tab) requests and the Safe{Core} SDK (opens in a new tab) TypeScript library.


  1. Node.js and npm (opens in a new tab) when using the Safe{Core} SDK.
  2. Have a Safe account.


Install dependencies

yarn add @safe-global/api-kit


import SafeApiKit from '@safe-global/api-kit'

Decode transaction data

// Initialize the API Kit
const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({
chainId: 11155111n
const data = "0x095ea7b3000000000000000000000000e6fc577e87f7c977c4393300417dcc592d90acf8ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"
const dataDecoded = await apiKit.decodeData(data);
// This decoded data is also included as dataDecoded in the response of the apiKit's getMultisigTransactions, getModuleTransactions, and getAllTransactions methods.

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