Infrastructure Deployment

Safe{Core} Infrastructure deployment

Once you have deployed the Safe{Core} contracts, you must deploy the off-chain components of the Safe{Core} Stack, including backend and frontend services.

You have three options for deploying the Safe stack, depending on your needs.

Option 1: Safe Core Contributor Platform-as-a-Service

We roll out new networks quarterly, depending on our internal capacity, and only for medium to large chains based on a strict scoring framework.


If you want to submit your chain for assessment in the next quarter, please fill out this form (opens in a new tab).

Hard requirements

  • EVM-compatible chain.
  • At least two dedicated RPC node providers, with preference for at least one Tier 1 provider of Infura, Alchemy, Quicknode. You can find more on RPC nodes here.

Option 2: Third-party integrators

We are happy to introduce you to our integrators. Please contact networks@safe.global.

Option 3: Self-hosting

If you have engineering and cloud resources, you can also deploy the different components of the stack by following one of the procedures below.

You can find docker images for a majority of platforms (opens in a new tab).



These are the hardware requirements to run the different services required.

NetworkTransaction ServiceClient GatewayConfig ServiceDatabase
Small (new chain with low traffic)CPU: 2 vCPU RAM: 8GiBCPU: 2 vCPU RAM: 8 GiBCPU: 2 vCPU RAM: 8 GiBCPU: 2 vCPU RAM: 8GiB
StandardCPU: 4 vCPU RAM: 16GiBCPU: 2 vCPU RAM: 8 GiBCPU: 2 vCPU RAM: 8 GiBCPU: 4 vCPU RAM: 16GiB
Large (large chain with high-traffic)CPU: 8 vCPU RAM: 32GiBCPU: 2 vCPU RAM: 8 GiBCPU: 2 vCPU RAM: 8 GiBCPU: 16 vCPU RAM: 64GiB


For support, please refer to the RPC requirements. Safe (L1) requires tracing for indexing, while Safe (L2) supports events/logs.

Docker-compose deployment

Our docker-compose files are available on the safe-infrastructure (opens in a new tab) repository.

git clone git@github.com:safe-global/safe-infrastructure.git
cd safe-infrastructure



cp .env.sample .env
vi .env


sh scripts/run_locally.sh
# will ask to set up username/password for config-service and transactions-service

This command runs seventeen Docker containers from the docker-compose.yml (opens in a new tab):

  • Nginx reverse proxy
  • Postgres 14.x database (x3 for Transaction Service, Config Service, and Events Service)
  • Redis database (x2 for Transaction Service and Client Gateway)
  • RabbitMQ message queue (x2 for Transaction Service and General)
  • Transaction Service workers & scheduler (x4)
  • Transaction Service web
  • Config Service web
  • Client Gateway web
  • Events service web
  • Wallet web

Kubernetes deployment


Our Helm Charts (opens in a new tab) are currently in alpha version, use them at your own risk and do not hesitate to share feedback.

An official helm chart creates all the necessary manifests, including the service account and RBAC entities needed for service discovery.

helm repo add safe https://5afe.github.io/safe-helm-charts/charts/packages
helm repo update
helm install [RELEASE_NAME] safe/safe-stack -f your_values.yaml [-n NAMESPACE]

The helm chart allows you to inline all the configurations directly in your values.yaml:

helm show values safe/safe-stack


After all the components are up and running, you need to configure the Transaction Service and config service to start indexing data and connect to your chain from Safe{Wallet}.

Transaction Service

By default, Transaction Service will automatically setup MasterCopies and Proxy Factories for a list of known networks (opens in a new tab).

If your network is not supported you have to add the addresses manually in http://YOUR_TRANSACTION_SERVICE_DOMAIN/admin/ in Proxy Factories and also in Safe master copies section.


Config Service

Open http://YOUR_CONFIG_SERVICE_DOMAIN/admin to configure your chain:


You can find more information on all parameters available in the Safe Config Service documentation.

Well done! You now have the Safe Contracts deployed on your chain and the Safe infrastructure up and running.

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