Common commands for both modes

Common commands for both modes

Here's a reference for commands common to the blockchain and the tx-service modes.


You must first load the sender's private key. When loading an owner, it will be set automatically.


Create new Safe

You can create a new Safe by running the following command:

safe-creator <node_url> <private_key> --owners <checksummed_address_1> <checksummed_address_2> --threshold <uint> --salt-nonce <uint256>

Load Safe

To load a Safe, use the following command:

safe-cli <checksummed_safe_address> <ethereum_node_url>

Then you should be on the prompt and see information about the Safe, like the owners, version, etc.

The next step would be loading some owners for the Safe. At least threshold owners need to be loaded to do operations on the Safe, and at least one should have funds to send transactions.

Update Safe

Updates the Safe to the latest version (if you are on a known network like Mainnet).



Send custom transactions

Sends a custom transaction from the Safe account to a contract. If --delegate is set, a delegatecall will be triggered.

send_custom <address> <value-wei> <data-hex-str> [--delegate] [--safe-nonce <int>]

Send ether

Sends ether from the Safe to another account.

send_ether <address> <value-wei> [--safe-nonce <int>]

Send ERC-20 tokens

Sends an ERC-20 token from the Safe account to a different one.

send_erc20 <address> <token-address> <value-wei> [--safe-nonce <int>]

Send ERC-721 tokens

Sends an ERC-721 token from the Safe account to a different one.

send_erc721 <address> <token-address> <token-id> [--safe-nonce <int>]

Approve Safe transaction hash

Approves a safe-tx-hash for the provided sender address.

approve_hash <keccak-hexstr-hash> <sender-address>


Add new owner

Adds a new owner address to the Safe.

add_owner <address>

Load owners

From private key

Loading owners is unnecessary if you want to do read-only operations.

To load owners:

> load_cli_owners <account_private_key>
Loaded account with balance=123 ether
Set account as default sender of txs

You can also load owners from your environment variables before running the Safe CLI:


Run the Safe CLI, then:

> load_cli_owners MY_PRIVATE_KEY
Loaded account with balance=123 ether
Set account as default sender of txs

To check the loaded owners:

> show_cli_owners

To unload an owner:

> unload_cli_owners <ethereum_checksummed_address>

From hardware wallets


Before signing anything, ensure that the data on your hardware wallet device is the same as the Safe CLI data.

If you want to use both Ledger and Trezor, you need to run the following command:

pip install "safe-cli[ledger, trezor]"


The Ledger module is an optional feature of the Safe CLI to sign transactions with the help of ledgereth (opens in a new tab) library based on ledgerblue (opens in a new tab).

To enable, the Safe CLI must be installed as follows:

pip install "safe-cli[ledger]"

When running on Linux, make sure the following rules have been added to /etc/udev/rules.d/:

SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c97", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0000", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess", TAG+="udev-acl" OWNER="<UNIX username>"
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c97", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0001", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess", TAG+="udev-acl" OWNER="<UNIX username>"
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="2c97", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0004", MODE="0660", TAG+="uaccess", TAG+="udev-acl" OWNER="<UNIX username>"

Ledger commands

  • load_ledger_cli_owners [--legacy-accounts] [--derivation-path <str>]: shows a list of the first five accounts (--legacy-accounts search using legacy derivation) or loads an account from the provided derivation path.

The Trezor module is an optional feature of the Safe CLI to sign transactions from the Trezor hardware wallet using the trezor (opens in a new tab) library.

To enable, the Safe CLI must be installed as follows:

pip install "safe-cli[trezor]"

Trezor commands

  • load_trezor_cli_owners [--legacy-accounts] [--derivation-path <str>]: shows a list of the first five accounts (--legacy-accounts search using legacy derivation) or loads an account from provided derivation path.

Remove owner

Removes an owner address from the Safe.

remove_owner <address>

Change threshold

Changes the threshold of the Safe.

change_threshold <integer>


Enable module

Enable module address.

enable_module <address>

Disable module

Disable module address.

disable_module <address>

Refresh Safe CLI

If the information in the information bar is outdated or there's any problem, you can force the Safe CLI to update the information about the Safe.



Only use the following operations if you are sure about what you are doing, as they can result in all your funds getting lost.

Update fallback handler

Updates the fallback handler to be address. Supported by Safes with version >= v1.1.0.

change_fallback_handler <address>

Update Safe Guard

Updates the Safe Guard to be address. Supported by Safes with version >= v1.3.0.

change_guard <address>

Update master copy

Updates the master copy to be address. It's used to update the Safe.

change_master_copy <address>

Update to L2


A non-L2 Safe can only be migrated to L2 if the non-L2 Safe was not used before (nonce must be zero).

Updates a v1.1.1, v1.3.0, or v1.4.1 non-L2 Safe to an L2 Safe supported by Safe {Wallet}. The migration contract address needs to be provided. It can be found here (opens in a new tab). The nonce for the Safe must be 0, and supported versions are v1.1.1, v1.3.0, and v1.4.1.

update_version_to_l2 <address>

where address is the address of the migration contract.

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