Smart Account Guard Tutorial

Building a Guard for Safe Smart Account

This tutorial demonstrates how to build a custom Guard contract that adds security restrictions to a Safe Smart Account. You'll learn how to:

  • Create a Safe Guard that prevents delegate calls
  • Enable the Guard on a Safe Smart Account
  • Write comprehensive tests for the Guard

You'll build a NoDelegatecallGuard that blocks delegatecall operations through the Safe account. While this is a simple example, the same principles can be used to build more complex Guards for your specific security needs.

A Safe account supports two types of transactions:

  • Safe Transaction: Executed through the Safe owners with required signatures
  • Module Transaction: Executed through an enabled Safe Module

This tutorial focuses on Safe Transactions, as Guards only apply to those.

Understanding Safe Guards

Before we dive into the code, let's understand what Guards do:

  • Guards are contracts that can inspect and validate transactions before and after they are executed by a Safe
  • They implement a standard interface with two key functions:
    • checkTransaction: Called before execution to validate the transaction
    • checkAfterExecution: Called after execution for post-transaction checks
  • Guards can block transactions by reverting if validation fails

Only enable Guards from trusted and audited code. A malicious Guard could block all transactions and make your Safe unusable.


Before starting this tutorial, make sure you have:

Project Setup

Initialize Project

Create a new project directory and initialize npm:

mkdir safe-guard-tutorial && cd safe-guard-tutorial
npm init -y

Configure Dependencies

Add the following to your package.json:

// ... existing content ...
"overrides": {
"@safe-global/safe-contracts": {
"ethers": "^6.13.5"

Install the required dependencies:

npm add -D hardhat @safe-global/safe-contracts hardhat-dependency-compiler

Setup Hardhat project

Initialize a TypeScript Hardhat project:

npx hardhat init

Now, try compiling the contracts to ensure everything is set up correctly.

npx hardhat compile

Select Create a TypeScript project when prompted.

When compiling Safe contracts with solidity 0.8.x the bytecode size exceeds the limit of 24KB. To overcome this, set allowUnlimitedContractSize to true in the hardhat config. In practise with production networks, use the officially deployed Safe contracts. Also, add dependencyCompiler to import SafeProxyFactory and Safe contracts.

Update your hardhat.config.ts:

import { HardhatUserConfig } from "hardhat/config";
import "@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox";
import "hardhat-dependency-compiler";
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
solidity: "0.8.28",
networks: {
hardhat: {
allowUnlimitedContractSize: true, // Required for Safe contracts
dependencyCompiler: {
paths: [
export default config;

Create a new Solidity contract

Delete the default contracts/Lock.sol and test file test/Lock.ts and create a new Solidity contract NoDelegatecallGuard.sol in the contracts directory.

Step 1. Create NoDelegatecallGuard contract

// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import { BaseGuard } from "@safe-global/safe-contracts/contracts/base/GuardManager.sol";
import { Enum } from "@safe-global/safe-contracts/contracts/common/Enum.sol";
contract NoDelegatecallGuard is BaseGuard {
error DelegatecallNotAllowed();
// Functions will be added here


  • BaseGuard.sol: BaseGuard is an abstract contract that implements ERC-165 and inherits the Guard interface with two functions:
    • checkTransaction: This function is called before Safe transaction is executed.
    • checkAfterExecution: This function is called after Safe transaction is executed.
  • Enum.sol: Provides Enum Operation which can have values like Call or DelegateCall.
  • DelegatecallNotAllowed is a custom error type that will be used to revert the transaction if delegatecall is detected.

Step 2: Implement checkTransaction function

function checkTransaction(
address /*to*/,
uint256 /*value*/,
bytes memory /*data*/,
Enum.Operation operation,
uint256 /*safeTxGas*/,
uint256 /*baseGas*/,
uint256 /*gasPrice*/,
address /*gasToken*/,
address payable /*refundReceiver*/,
bytes memory /*signatures*/,
address /*msgSender*/
) external {
if(operation == Enum.Operation.DelegateCall) {
revert DelegatecallNotAllowed();


  • The checkTransaction function checks if the operation type is DelegateCall. If it is, the function reverts with a custom error DelegatecallNotAllowed.

Step 3: Implement checkAfterExecution function

function checkAfterExecution(bytes32 txHash, bool success) external {


  • The checkAfterExecution function is empty as we do not need to perform any action after the transaction is executed.

Final contract code

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.28;
import { BaseGuard } from "@safe-global/safe-contracts/contracts/base/GuardManager.sol";
import { Enum } from "@safe-global/safe-contracts/contracts/common/Enum.sol";
contract NoDelegatecallGuard is BaseGuard {
error DelegatecallNotAllowed();
function checkTransaction(
address /*to*/,
uint256 /*value*/,
bytes memory /*data*/,
Enum.Operation operation,
uint256 /*safeTxGas*/,
uint256 /*baseGas*/,
uint256 /*gasPrice*/,
address /*gasToken*/,
address payable /*refundReceiver*/,
bytes memory /*signatures*/,
address /*msgSender*/
) external {
if(operation == Enum.Operation.DelegateCall) {
revert DelegatecallNotAllowed();
function checkAfterExecution(bytes32 txHash, bool success) external {

Testing the contract

Step 1: Create test/utils/utils.ts file

Create a new file named utils.ts in the test/utils directory and include the code below.

import { ethers } from "hardhat";
import { Signer, AddressLike, BigNumberish, ZeroAddress } from "ethers";
import { Safe } from "../../typechain-types";
* Executes a transaction on the Safe contract.
* @param wallets - The signers of the transaction.
* @param safe - The Safe contract instance.
* @param to - The address to send the transaction to.
* @param value - The value to send with the transaction.
* @param data - The data to send with the transaction.
* @param operation - The operation type (0 for call, 1 for delegate call).
const execTransaction = async function (
wallets: Signer[],
safe: Safe,
to: AddressLike,
value: BigNumberish,
data: string,
operation: number,
): Promise<void> {
// Get the current nonce of the Safe contract
const nonce = await safe.nonce();
// Get the transaction hash for the Safe transaction
const transactionHash = await safe.getTransactionHash(
let signatureBytes = "0x";
const bytesDataHash = ethers.getBytes(transactionHash);
// Get the addresses of the signers
const addresses = await Promise.all( => wallet.getAddress()));
// Sort the signers by their addresses
const sorted = wallets.sort((a, b) => {
const addressA = addresses[wallets.indexOf(a)];
const addressB = addresses[wallets.indexOf(b)];
return addressA.localeCompare(addressB, "en", { sensitivity: "base" });
// Sign the transaction hash with each signer
for (let i = 0; i < sorted.length; i++) {
const flatSig = (await sorted[i].signMessage(bytesDataHash))
.replace(/1b$/, "1f")
.replace(/1c$/, "20");
signatureBytes += flatSig.slice(2);
// Execute the transaction on the Safe contract
await safe.execTransaction(
export {


  • This file contains utility function to execute transaction through the Safe account.

Step 2: Start with a boilerplate test file

Create a new file named NoDelegatecallGuard.test.ts and include the following basic structure that will be filled in later steps (ignore the warnings about unused imports):

import { ethers } from "hardhat";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { Signer, ZeroAddress } from "ethers";
import { Safe, Safe__factory, SafeProxyFactory } from "../typechain-types";
import { execTransaction } from "./utils/utils";
import { NoDelegatecallGuard } from "../typechain-types/contracts/NoDelegatecallGuard";
describe("NoDelegatecallGuard", async function () {
let deployer: Signer;
let alice: Signer;
let masterCopy: Safe;
let proxyFactory: SafeProxyFactory;
let safeFactory: Safe__factory;
let safe: Safe;
let exampleGuard: NoDelegatecallGuard;
const threshold = 1;
beforeEach(async () => {});
// Add your test cases here
it("Should not allow delegatecall", async function () {});
it("Should allow call", async function () {});
it("Should allow to replace the guard", async function () {});

Step 3: Setup contracts and variables in before hook

// Setup signers and deploy contracts before running tests
beforeEach(async () => {
[deployer, alice] = await ethers.getSigners();
safeFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Safe", deployer);
masterCopy = await safeFactory.deploy();
proxyFactory = await (
await ethers.getContractFactory("SafeProxyFactory", deployer)
const ownerAddresses = [await alice.getAddress()];
const safeData = masterCopy.interface.encodeFunctionData("setup", [
// Read the safe address by executing the static call to createProxyWithNonce function
const safeAddress = await proxyFactory.createProxyWithNonce.staticCall(
await masterCopy.getAddress(),
// Create the proxy with nonce
await proxyFactory.createProxyWithNonce(
await masterCopy.getAddress(),
if (safeAddress === ZeroAddress) {
throw new Error("Safe address not found");
// Deploy the NoDelegatecallGuard contract
exampleGuard = await (
await ethers.getContractFactory("NoDelegatecallGuard", deployer)
safe = await ethers.getContractAt("Safe", safeAddress);
// Set the guard in the safe
const setGuardData = masterCopy.interface.encodeFunctionData(
// Execute the transaction to set the Guard
await execTransaction([alice], safe,, 0, setGuardData, 0);

This step sets up the test environment by deploying and configuring the necessary contracts. Please note that:

  • Alice is the only owner of the Safe and a threshold of 1 is set. Thus, only Alice's signature is required to execute transactions.
  • Alice as the owner of the Safe is required to set the guard.
  • The guard is enabled by calling the setGuard function on the Safe contract.
  • ⚠️ Security Note: Only trusted and audited code should be enabled as a guard, since guard can block transactions. A malicious guard make Safe unusable by blocking all transactions.

Step 4: Add test cases

it("Should not allow delegatecall", async function () {
const wallets = [alice];
await expect(
execTransaction(wallets, safe, ZeroAddress, 0, "0x", 1)
), "DelegatecallNotAllowed");
it("Should allow call", async function () {
const wallets = [alice];
expect(await execTransaction(wallets, safe, ZeroAddress, 0, "0x", 0));
it("Should allow to replace the guard", async function () {
const wallets = [alice];
const setGuardData = masterCopy.interface.encodeFunctionData("setGuard", [
await execTransaction(
await safe.getAddress(),

Final test code

import { ethers } from "hardhat";
import { expect } from "chai";
import { Signer, ZeroAddress } from "ethers";
import { Safe, Safe__factory, SafeProxyFactory } from "../typechain-types";
import { execTransaction } from "./utils/utils";
import { NoDelegatecallGuard } from "../typechain-types/contracts/NoDelegatecallGuard";
describe("NoDelegatecallGuard", async function () {
let deployer: Signer;
let alice: Signer;
let masterCopy: Safe;
let proxyFactory: SafeProxyFactory;
let safeFactory: Safe__factory;
let safe: Safe;
let exampleGuard: NoDelegatecallGuard;
const threshold = 1;
// Setup signers and deploy contracts before running tests
beforeEach(async () => {
[deployer, alice] = await ethers.getSigners();
safeFactory = await ethers.getContractFactory("Safe", deployer);
masterCopy = await safeFactory.deploy();
proxyFactory = await (
await ethers.getContractFactory("SafeProxyFactory", deployer)
const ownerAddresses = [await alice.getAddress()];
const safeData = masterCopy.interface.encodeFunctionData("setup", [
// Read the safe address by executing the static call to createProxyWithNonce function
const safeAddress = await proxyFactory.createProxyWithNonce.staticCall(
await masterCopy.getAddress(),
// Create the proxy with nonce
await proxyFactory.createProxyWithNonce(
await masterCopy.getAddress(),
if (safeAddress === ZeroAddress) {
throw new Error("Safe address not found");
// Deploy the NoDelegatecallGuard contract
exampleGuard = await (
await ethers.getContractFactory("NoDelegatecallGuard", deployer)
safe = await ethers.getContractAt("Safe", safeAddress);
// Set the guard in the safe
const setGuardData = masterCopy.interface.encodeFunctionData("setGuard", [
// Execute the transaction to set the Guard
await execTransaction([alice], safe,, 0, setGuardData, 0);
it("Should not allow delegatecall", async function () {
const wallets = [alice];
await expect(
execTransaction(wallets, safe, ZeroAddress, 0, "0x", 1)
), "DelegatecallNotAllowed");
it("Should allow call", async function () {
const wallets = [alice];
expect(await execTransaction(wallets, safe, ZeroAddress, 0, "0x", 0));
it("Should allow to replace the guard", async function () {
const wallets = [alice];
const setGuardData = masterCopy.interface.encodeFunctionData("setGuard", [
await execTransaction(
await safe.getAddress(),

Run the tests

npx hardhat test

Congratulations! You have successfully created, enabled and tested a Safe Guard.

Do more with Safe and Guard

Did you encounter any difficulties? Let us know by opening an issue (opens in a new tab) or asking a question on Stack Exchange (opens in a new tab) with the safe-core tag.

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