Migrate to v2

Migrate to v2

This guide references the major changes between v1 and v2 to help those migrating an existing app.

API Kit constructor

It won't be necessary to specify a txServiceUrl in environments where Safe has a Transaction Service running. Providing the chain ID will be enough. If you want to use your custom service or the kit in a chain not supported by a Safe Transaction Service, you can add the txServiceUrl parameter.

// old:
import SafeApiKit from '@safe-global/api-kit'
const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({
txServiceUrl: 'https://your-transaction-service-url',
// new:
import SafeApiKit from '@safe-global/api-kit'
const chainId: bigint = 1n
const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({
// or set a custom Transaction Service
const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({
txServiceUrl: 'https://your-transaction-service-url'

Use the route you prefer

API Kit v1 forced any custom service to be hosted under the /api route of the URL specified in txServiceUrl. This isn't the case anymore; you can specify any preferred route or subdomain.

Note that if you use a custom service running under /api, you will now need to migrate as follows:

// old:
const txServiceUrl = 'https://your-transaction-service-domain/'
const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({
// new:
const chainId: bigint = 1n
const txServiceUrl = 'https://your-transaction-service-domain/api'
const apiKit = new SafeApiKit({

MasterCopy to Singleton

To avoid confusion between terms used as synonyms, we aligned all our code to use the word singleton.

  • Rename type MasterCopyResponse to SafeSingletonResponse
  • Rename method getServiceMasterCopiesInfo() to getServiceSingletonsInfo()

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